engineering and scientific data management
sigclear-soig is a data management package,
highly optimized for large-scale, multi-physics, multi-dimensional,
non-regularized engineering data.
It defines a set of universal APIs
handle complicated engineering/scientific data in different fields.
It also provides basic programs for researchers
to create, manage, and QC their data in experiments.
Features: self-organized independent-grouping
Scientific or engineering datasets are organized as
a set of small independent groups.
Each group may have one or more data columns for sensor arrays.
Each columns may have one or more vector or scalar fields
to store multi-physical measurements and experimental parameters.
automatic data analysis
Independent groups can be automatically distributed to lots of computing nodes for parallel. Groups, columns and vectors provides information for automatic QC with figures of multi-page, multi-plots and multi-graph.large data support
Large datasets are accessed group by group in the memory. All sigclear programs are only need to be designed to handle a group of data.convenient for developers
- automatic group access for large-scale data
- universal access for multi-physic variables
- adaptive parameter always together with data